SAFE-UP is being conducted in the form of eight work packages (WPs):

SFU pert chart.png

WP1: Project management

Responsible for liaison with the European Commission, contractual issues, overall direction of SAFE-UP, coordination of project activities, budget management, and quality assurance.

WP2: Future safety-critical scenarios

Responsible for ascertaining future safety-critical traffic interactions by means of enhanced behavioural simulations which incorporate VRUs, automated vehicles, and manually driven vehicles. Metrics will be developed to describe the criticality of an interaction.

WP3: Active safety systems for vehicle-VRU interaction

Responsible for developing three active system prototypes. Demo 2 will focus on enhanced VRU detection under bad weather conditions using a research sensor setup. Demo 3 is equipped with prototype sensors and will deliver advanced vehicle dynamic intervention functions to avoid critical events. Demo 4 will entail a communication framework for timely warning provisions to drivers and VRUs.

WP4: Passive safety systems

Responsible for increasing occupant safety in future automated vehicles (AVs) when exposed to critical situations defined in work package 2. This will be achieved by an occupant protection system including sensing (occupant monitoring system), actuation (restraint system) and a logic (control algorithm); which will all be integrated into Demo 1 and will have the purpose to make new seating positions inside the vehicle safe.

WP5: Safety assessment methodologies

Responsible for assessing the active (WP3) and passive (WP4) safety systems developed in SAFE-UP, with the aim of demonstrating and validating the expected improvement of road safety in the future scenarios identified (WP2) through simulation.

WP6: Training activities and awareness creation on future traffic scenarios

Responsible for developing strategies to raise awareness of VRU risk in current and future Safety-Critical Scenarios identified in SAFE-UP according to increasing implementation of advanced driving functions. This will be enabled by creating adaptable training schemes. and an online Safety Media Library. A network of key partners will be engaged to facilitate knowledge translation of relevant results to knowledge users and road user groups.

WP7: Dissemination and exploitation

Responsible for gathering views and opinions from stakeholders, disseminating project results and maximising the impact of the project outcomes. This WP will also support the implementation of the new active and passive safety technologies developed.

WP8: Ethics requirements

Responsible for setting out the ethics requirements that the project must comply with.