SAFE-UP launches Road Safety e-Learning Platform

In a bid to empower all road users, the SAFE-UP project has launched its e-Learning Platform. The platform has been designed to raise awareness among all individuals interested in the SAFE-UP project and its outcomes, regardless of their technical expertise. Leveraging the expertise of the project's team, the eLearning courses offer a wealth of knowledge translated into easily digestible content, ensuring that users can navigate the intricacies of future traffic scenarios seamlessly. The platform is a product of tireless efforts in knowledge translation carried out within the project.

The e-Learning Platform comprehensively covers the extensive work undertaken within SAFE-UP and currently includes four distinct courses:

1. Driver and pedestrian safety on the road
2. Driver and bicyclist safety on the road
3. Automated vehicles today and in the future
4. Getting to know the SAFE-UP demos

The courses are available in five languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, and Greek.

By addressing various aspects of road safety, these courses empower participants with the knowledge required to navigate and mitigate potential risks in future traffic scenarios effectively.


Future mobility: keeping all road users safe


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